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  • Careers Education and Guidance

    Helping our students make decisions about their future!

    At Beaconsfield High School we aim to prepare our students to go on to higher education, apprenticeships or to skilled employment. The Careers Education and Guidance Programme is integral to this. The aim of the programme is to help students make their decision about their future. We do this by providing opportunities for students to:

    • Increase self-awareness and understanding of their own skills and competencies.
    • Gain an understanding of the world of work.
    • Develop their career management skills.

    We do this in line with delivering the Gatsby Benchmarks, the framework for good careers guidance. For more information about our policy and strategy, please refer to our policy document.

    We welcome visits from providers of technical, further education and apprenticeships. Please refer to our policy here.

    Careers Plan

    The careers plan for the current school year is as follows:


    Careers Staff

    At Beaconsfield High, Ms Ganachaud is the SLT member with overall responsibility for careers and Karen Wray is both the Careers Lead and our Independent Careers Adviser.


    You can now access Mrs Wray's Careers Blog using the button below. It contains regularly updated information and current opportunities, useful for both students and parents.