Lunchtime and After-School Clubs
It’s not all about academics at Beaconsfield High, our co-currricular program is incredibly diverse, and we’re proud to say we offer something for everyone, including the Duke of Edinburgh scheme! Currently, we offer over 113 clubs, which include 17 music ensembles, 22 sports teams, 13 dance, gym and cheerleading groups, Pride Soc, Model United Nations, Mock Trial, Drama Club, Great British Bake-Off Bakes, Greek Club, D&D, and Creative Writing Club....to name just a few! The 2024 - 2025 timetable is below by year group and our sports fixtures link can be found here.
Day Trips and Residentials
In addition to lunchtime and after-school clubs, we also offer a wide range of trips including theatre trips, sports tours, field trips to Swanage and Slapton, a Computing and Business Live! event at Disneyland Paris, a ski trip and visits to Spain, France, Iceland, Italy, Eswatini and Borneo. A full list of the trips offered in 2023- 2024, with associated costs, can be found below.
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
What we offer
The DofE Bronze Award is open to students in Year 9 and between 120 and 130 students take part each year. Students complete their Silver in Year 10 and their Gold in Year 12. The Gold programme is not offered in every Sixth Form and so it is a great way to expand our students' skill set and stand out from others, as well as having some recognised UCAS benefits! The scheme is run by Mr Manners and support and guidance is offered through a ‘DofE Clinic’ every Monday lunchtime. Here, students can ask questions or raise any issues they are having regarding their DofE award. Additionally, every student who is enroled on the award is provided with an eDofE account, with which they can track the progress of, and formally complete, each of their sections.
The school runs expeditions at all levels:
- Bronze Expeditions are run in the Chilterns in May and July.
- Silver Expeditions are further afield, usually in the Forest of Dean and the New Forest.
- Gold Expeditions are in various wild country areas such as The Beacon Beacons, Dartmoor and The Lake District.
Mr Manners' Films and Mr Neale's Cookbook!
For those undertaking their Bronze, we have put together the films below to help you pack your rucksack, put up your tent and cook on a Trangia!
More than the Expedition
DofE is not just about the expedition, students are also required to complete the Physical, Volunteering and Skills elements of the award. For inspiration please see the links below! The flexibility of DofE means the award is designed to fit the student rather than the other way around. The opportunities are really extensive, and the DofE Award is a great way to enhance your skill set and improve your Getting Life Ready skills.
Using the DofE app
BHS Enrolment Links
When we are ready to sign up students, the enrolment links will be included here.
Helpful Links
We've collated some helpful links from the official Duke of Edinburgh website below and included Mr Manners' email address too!