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  • Trustees

    Beaconsfield High is an Academy Trust and the following individuals are Beaconsfield High’s Academy Trust members: Lorraine Couves, Clare Lewis, Zoe Barrows and Stewart McKane.

    The Board of Trustees

    Our Board of Trustees offer an incredibly valuable mix of experience and skills that combine to drive forward our progressive ambition of being a truly remarkable school.

    ShreeRam Ranganathan, Chair of Trustees

    Born and brought up in India, I studied to become an engineer. After graduation, I worked as a technical expert delivering IT support and technical project management. I later moved into Process and Management Consulting, delivering transformational change for clients across the globe. After living and travelling across the US, Gulf and Europe, I moved to the UK with my family in 2009 and have lived in Langley ever since.

    I am a strong believer in education being a tool to develop and open young minds up to be future leaders of the country. I am thrilled to be a Trustee of this remarkable school and to be contributing to the growth and development of the school and its students. Our Board of Trustees offer an incredibly valuable mix of experience and skills that combine to drive forward our progressive ambition of being a truly remarkable school.

    ShreeRam Ranganathan

    Chair of Trustees


    Tina Bond


    Member of the Education and Outcomes Committee, and the Finance and Resources Committee

    Sanghamitra Nag Appointed Trustee Vice Chair of Trustees, and Chair of the Education and Outcomes Committee

    Julius Weinberg

    Appointed Trustee

    Member of the Education and Outcomes Committee

    John O’Rourke

    Appointed Trustee

    Safeguarding Trustee

    Sheam Khan Co-opted Trustee  Member of the Education and Outcomes Committee
    Atia Ahmed Co-opted Trustee  Member of the Education and Outcomes Committee
    Amit Gupta Appointed Trustee Member of the Education and Outcomes, Careers, Sixth Form and Personal Development
    Katherine Damsell Appointed Trustee Member of the Finance and Resources Committee
    Tania Laing Appointed Trustee Member of the Finance and Resources Committee

    Executive Pay

    An Academy Trust is required to publish on its website in bands of £10k the number of persons receiving total benefits that exceed £100K. Total benefits include salary, employer pension contributions, termination payments and any other taxable benefits. For the year to 31 August 2024, this applied to two employees. Please note this information is updated in line with submission to the ESFA, normally in January each year.

      Salary Pension Total
    Employee 1 £80,001 - £90,000 £20,001 - £30,000 £110,002 - £130,000

    Join our Board of Trustees

    When a Parent Trustee vacancy arises, the Chair of Trustees will write to all parents to ask if anyone would like to stand for the role. Those who would like to stand should provide a profile to be shared with parents. The profile will provide information about yourself and why you want to be a governor. If more than one parent stands, there is an election, during which all parents are given the opportunity to vote.

    The remaining Trustees are appointed on a skills basis (some are parents, and some are independent) depending on need. When a vacancy arises, it could be filled by a parent. As above, we would write to the parent body and ask interested parties to provide a profile and CV. The Trustees will then hold an interview process.

    When the need arises for a Non-Parent Trustee, we will approach supporters known to the school and will also register the vacancy on 'Inspiring Governance' (a website which matches those wanting to become governors/ trustees with schools that have vacancies). The Trustees apply and there is a selection interview.

    Finally, if the Board of Trustees has a need for a specific skill set, it can co-opt a Trustee for an agreed amount of time, over and above its normal complement. At present, the Board of Trustees may consider this for a Trustee with either an interest in facilities design, health and safety or an experienced educational professional.

    Full Trustee Body Minutes and Agendas are available to view upon request.