Senior Leadership Team
Below are the staff who make up our Senior Leadership team and their areas of responsibility.
Tom Griffiths
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Tom is responsible for the following areas within school:
- Effective use of data by Pastoral/SEND teams incl. Group analysis for SEND, vulnerable, Young Carers and PP students
- Behaviour and Attendance for learning incl. Outside of lessons
- Staff Duty Rota and student expectations incl. Litter strategy
- Whole School ethos and culture implementation KS4
- Whole School Mental Health plan
- Staff wellbeing incl. Accreditation, employer assist programme (EAP)
- Pastoral Focus incl. SEND and behaviour parental queries/concerns
- Oversight of parent communication/liaison KS4
- FAB and appeals
- Safeguarding culture – DSL leadership and CPD
- Oversight of celebration events for student rewards
- Pastoral events oversight – welcome events/options/transition
- Year 9-10 transition incl. Vertical support weeks
- QA of Pastoral care whole school including training and briefings
- Parent Survey
- ‘Pastoral’ School Culture
- ICT for pastoral systems and strategy
- FoBHS link
- Digital Strategy
- Calendar
- Standards and expectations including uniform KS3-4
- QA Implementation KS3-4.