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Media Studies

Media Studies is offered at A-Level. Students study the key media concepts such as genre, audience, identity, narrative and apply these to the main media forms such as television, radio, the film industry, print and the internet. 

Co-Curricular Opportunities 

  • Trip to NFTS (National Film and Television School) in Beaconsfield  
  • Trip to Pinewood Studios in Iver  
  • Trip to The Guardian in London 
  • Trips to film festivals 
  • Trip to Disneyland Paris Media Conference. 

Approximately a third of lesson time will be spent on the practical element, which involves students making two media products chosen from a list of options provided by the examining board. 

The course components are as follows: 

  • Media Concepts: Media language and media representations and media industries and media audiences 
  • Media Forms: Media forms of television, magazines and online, social and participatory media/video games. 
  • The creation of a cross-media production made for an intended audience. 

For more information on the A-Level Media Studies course grade requirements, download a copy of the Sixth Form Prospectus and for more information on the course content, download a copy of the A-Level options booklet.