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Year 7

Year 7 applications are handled by Buckinghamshire Council and students must take the Secondary Transfer Test (STT) to be accepted into Beaconsfield High.  The Secondary Transfer Test is administered by Buckinghamshire Council on behalf of all the Buckinghamshire grammar schools. For more information, visit the Buckinghamshire Council website here.  All enquiries about the STT admissions should be directed to the Admissions Team at Buckinghamshire Council.   

Families who live in Buckinghamshire will receive information about the STT process through their primary school. Families living outside of Buckinghamshire must register their child for the STT at an earlier date.  Further details can be found on the council's website.  Information about the STT can also be found here.  


Year 8 - 9

Admission to Years 8 and 9 should be directed to the Admissions Team at Buckinghamshire Council. For information on how to contact the Admissions team, please visit their website or use their online contact form. 

The testing process (Late Transfer Procedure) for admission to Year 8 and Year 9 is administered by the Admissions Team at Buckinghamshire Council on behalf of the school. Places are subject to availability and there is no guarantee of a place as there are more applicants than places available. 

Year 10

For admission to Year 10, please complete the application form below and send it to the Beaconsfield High Admissions Team at the school address. 



Sept 2025 Admissions

Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 will be moving up to secondary school in September 2025. The dates set so far for that academic year are:

3 May - 14 June 2024 Families can register their child for the Secondary Transfer Test. Children who attend a state-funded primary school in Buckinghamshire do not need to register as they are entered for the test automatically.
1 September 2024 For most grammar schools, this is the cut-off date for the home address they’ll use for applicants in their first round of allocations, but you should check each grammar school’s Admissions Policy to make sure. If your home address changes after this date, your old previous address will still be used in the first round of allocations.
10 September 2024

Children who attend a state-funded Buckinghamshire primary school or Partner School will sit the Practice Test in their school. Children who attend any other school will sit the Practice Test at a grammar school test centre*.

*Grammar school test centres have a limited capacity. If that capacity is exceeded, a further testing session may be organised for a different date. If this applies to your child, we will contact you separately.

12 September 2024 Children who attend a state-funded Buckinghamshire primary school or Partner School will sit the Transfer Test in their school. Children who attend any other school will sit the Transfer Test at a grammar school test centre**.

**Grammar school test centres have a limited capacity. If that capacity is exceeded, a further testing session may be organised for a different date. If this applies to your child, we will contact you separately.
11 October 2024 Families will be notified of their child’s test results.
31 October 2024 The deadline to submit a secondary school application to your home local authority.


Catchment Map for 2025

Sept 2024 Admissions

Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 will be moving up to secondary school in September 2025. The dates set so far for that academic year are:

5 May - 16 June 2023

Families can register their child for the Secondary Transfer Test. Children who attend a state-funded primary school in Buckinghamshire do not need to register as they are entered for the test automatically.


12 September 2023

Children who attend a state-funded Buckinghamshire primary school or Partner School will sit the Practice Test in their school. Children who attend any other school will sit the Practice Test at a grammar school test centre.


14 September 2023

Children who attend a state-funded Buckinghamshire primary school or Partner School will sit the Transfer Test in their school. Children who attend any other school will sit the Transfer Test at a grammar school test centre (some test sessions may be scheduled shortly after this).

13 October 2023

Families will be notified of their child’s test results.

31 October 2023

The deadline to submit a secondary school application to your home local authority.


Catchment Map for 2024

Admissions FAQ

If I live in the catchment area, what are my chances of getting a place?  

The Published Admission Number for Year 7 is 180. We hope to offer a place to most or all qualified first preference applicants.  

What if I do not live in the school’s catchment area, but want my child to attend Beaconsfield High?  

It is an equal preference scheme which means you should put Beaconsfield High as your first choice. You will not lose a place at your catchment area school if you include it as one of your preferences. If a place is available, it will be allocated according to our Admissions Policy criteria. If a place is not available, you can accept the place offered and ask to go on the waiting list for Beaconsfield High. 

In what order are the admission rules applied?  

Highest priority is given to any students in public care and those in receipt of free school meals. Once these places have been allocated, places are offered to students living in the school’s catchment area who have sisters in Years 7-11 at the time of admission, and then to qualified students living within catchment, ranked by distance. 

What if I live outside the school’s catchment area?  

Once places have been allocated to all qualified students living in catchment, places will be offered firstly to qualified students living outside the catchment with sisters in Years 7-11 attending the school at the time of admission. Any remaining places will be offered on the basis of distance from the school. Please note that the STT score is not taken into account in the allocation ranking, but all students must be deemed qualified. In recent years, we have admitted some students living outside the school’s catchment area. 

What if my child does not qualify?  

Please consult the Buckinghamshire Council website for full details of the STT Selection Review and Appeals process.