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Opportunities and Enrichment


There are many enrichment opportunities at Becky High Sixth, some of which we have listed below: 

  • Fourth A-Level  
  • AS-Level (Spanish or French)   
  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)  
  • Gold Duke of Edinburgh  
  • Level 3 Sports Leaders Award and Level 2 Dance Leadership  
  • National Citizenship Service  
  • Pastoral, mental health and subject mentoring initiatives  
  • Senior Prefect and Subject Leader roles  
  • Student-led societies and clubs  
  • Work experience and volunteering on Wednesday afternoons (fortnightly)  
  • Year 12 Enrichment Series  
  • Young Enterprise 
  • Sports teams
  • Music ensembles

Leadership opportunities 

There are many leadership opportunities for Year 12 and 13 students. These include Senior Prefect and Subject Leader roles, Sport or Dance Leaders, Becky High Mind Mentors (mental health mentors trained by the charity Mind), Blossom Mentors (providing academic support for younger students) and Guardian Angels, and first-aiders (trained by the British Red Cross). 

Trips and Residentials 

We offer a wide range of trips and experiences for Sixth Form students. Previous years have seen music trips to Prague, Barcelona and Edinburgh; sports tours to South Africa; geography trips to Iceland and Dorset; interschool and international conferences with the Model United Nations Club; the biology trip to Slapton Sands; theatre trips; dance workshops; visits to CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research; and a World Challenge trip to Borneo. 


Sixth Formers are also given the opportunity to enjoy some downtime at Year 13 Prom (organised by a committee of Year 13 students), Christmas Jumper Day, Leavers’ Week, Leavers’ Celebration Assembly and the Leavers’ BBQ. 

Super Curriculum 

Super-curricular is different to co-curricular. Co-curricular activities are those outside of your chosen topic, and unrelated to your studies, whereas super-curricular activities take your A-Level studies further, beyond what you are learning at Becky High Sixth.

These super-curricular activities are very important when applying to university as they show a passion for the subject you want to study. These activities do not need to be expensive; Worcester College has put together a booklet with suggested super-curricular activities broken down by A-Level subject (link below). We encourage our students to keep track of these activities on Unifrog, detailing how it has impacted their understanding of their subject and any skills it has developed.